Daily Archives: May 14, 2024

I Chronicles 14-16; Acts 24

David consulted God before going against the Philistines in two battles. “Shall I go out…” “Shall I go up…” Each time, God gave a specific answer which led to David’s victory over his enemies. What an illustration of how God is intimately involved in the details of our lives. Why do we not pray about everything?

The first time that David attempted to bring the ark into Jerusalem, he did not consult God which led to the death of Uzza who put out his hand to hold the ark when the oxen stumbled. David learned the hard way that implementing his plans without consulting God resulted in disaster. After his victory over the Philistines, David again sought to bring the ark into Jerusalem. This time, David said, “No one may carry the ark of God but the Levites, for the Lord has chosen them to carry the ark of God and to minister before Him forever…for because you did not do it the first time, the Lord our God broke out against us, because we did not consult Him about the proper order.” (I Chronicles15:2-13) Why are we surprised to learn that God is intentional in His plans for us?

In Acts 24, Paul’s life is in the hands of his enemies, Jews from Asia, who sought to put him to death using Antonius Felix, a slave turned governor of Judea. However, Paul was equal to the lawyer, Tertullus who had brought false charges against him to Felix. Paul’s life was not to be ended by this governor, for God had other plans for Paul. Paul was intelligent enough to know all his rights as a Roman citizen, and leaning on the wisdom of God, used his status to frustrate his adversaries. Paul was well aware that he was to witness to Felix in his time of imprisonment, but with an understanding that God would take him beyond this prison to the seat of Rome. Why are we impatient when praying for God’s will?

Shall I go out or shall I go up were questions of faith for David and for Paul. Not questions of uncertainty. What is my response to the uncertainties of life?

I am reminded that my life is not my own. This truth is especially important to me as I contemplate this season of my life and the urging I feel to ready myself for what is to come. I am not in control of what others are planning, much as David was not in control of what the Philistines had planned for Israel. Nor can I prevent the outcome of decisions made by others that relate to my work and desire to serve, much like Paul’s waiting in prison for his opportunity to go to Rome. But I am convinced that in the here and now, I can consult God knowing that my life is in His hands. Faith in His good pleasure and intention to accomplish His work for me is an exciting and liberating posture. I do not have to look back at what was but can look toward what is possible through Christ who strengthens me. All the victories God has given me are His assurance that He is for me.

David rejoiced with thanksgiving for God’s presence in his life. Dressed in a linen ephod rather than a kingly garb, he danced among the musicians, “whirling and playing music…” (I Chr. 15:29) I see God’s promises to me being fulfilled. I will pray for His will; I will wait for Him to answer me; I will rejoice with thanksgiving for His presence in my life.

Oh, give thanks to the Lord! Call upon His name; Make known His deeds among the peoples! Sing to Him; sing psalms to Him; Talk of all His wondrous works! Glory in His holy name; Let the hearts of those rejoice who seek the Lord! (I Chronicles 16:8-10)


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