Daily Archives: June 17, 2024

Proverbs 29-31; 1 Thessalonians 4


Powerful little things.

Open your mouth for the mute,
    for the rights of all who are destitute.
Open your mouth, judge righteously,
    defend the rights of the poor and needy. (Proverbs 31:8,9 ESV)

The bible, and especially proverbs has much to say about the words we use, the power of them, and the wisdom in sometimes staying silent. I think about the times I have spoken out of turn — interrupted, gossiped, complained, or criticized. I grieve the moments I let pass without speaking up for someone that had no voice of their own, or the times I had an encouraging word to share and I shied away from articulating my thoughts out of embarrassment or pride, or the opening to point a conversation heavenward and I hesitated.

Words cost nothing, yet their value is undefinable. Words can inspire or crush, defend or judge, love or hate, rejoice or mourn, elicit laughter or tears, encourage or silence, bring life or death. So powerful.

Because of the power of speech, the Scriptures overflow with warnings and directions on how to use words effectively and carefully.

Just in these few chapters of Proverbs we find these truths:

  • the righteous sing
  • scoffers stir fires
  • the wise bring peace
  • fools rage and do not bring quiet
  • fools do not have filters
  • a wise man holds back
  • more hope for a fool than one who speaks hastily
  • God’s words are a shield
  • do not slander

Some are obvious, some more thoughtful. Each one will take a lifetime to master.

Therefore encourage one another with these words. (I Thessalonians 4:18 ESV)

Words are intended to lift up, bring hope. This admonition in I Thessalonians is specifically couched in a conversation about our eternal hope in Christ and his second coming, and it also reminds us that we have the responsibility to encourage one another, to uplift ourselves and others with the truth and hope we have. Words truly have the power to create or destroy.

Lord, may my words bring life. Give me boldness for when I should speak up, and discernment for when I should be still. May my words be carefully chosen, and seasoned with your love. May they be a voice for those without one and a lighthouse for those adrift. And, above all, may my words encourage and challenge others with the good news that never fails. In Jesus name, amen.

Erin (6intow)

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