Tag Archives: heart I have

2 Samuel 21-23; Psalm 18; Romans 3

I am thankful, as a leader, I have rarely been put into situations where I have had a conflict with my leadership obligations and my private engagements. I think I see this more in the movies than anywhere else and it sure makes for great drama.

It is right there with King David, more so than any other leader in the Bible. I saw it again today in 2 Samuel 21:1-14. It was the custom of the day for the new king to kill all the male members of the former king. David had made a promise to spare the sons of Jonathan and he did. Self is never to be degraded in public affairs. If it came down to it, and there was no other choice, there is still one more alternative – to vacate the position of leadership. This I have done in a few occasions when personal spiritual principles have been violated.

The truth of such conflicts reveal what kind of a discerning heart I have. In fact, I can easily figure out what I am really serving and living for during conflicts. This is why the Psalms are a great place to look for some guidance.

I love you, Lord. You are my strength.

The Lord is my rock, my protection, my Savior.
    My God is my rock.
    I can run to him for safety.
    He is my shield and my saving strength, my defender.
I will call to the Lord, who is worthy of praise,
    and I will be saved from my enemies.

The ropes of death came around me;
    the deadly rivers overwhelmed me. – Psalm 18:1-4 NCV

The whole idea of “deadly rivers” is not a far cry from what I can be feeling in a conflict. Worship is a great place to go for healing in such situations.

The Lord is my “rock,” “my protection”, and my “Savior.” When I deal with life by turning to worship God, whom I have a living relationship with, He sustains and delivers me.

This is why Paul must have joyed so much when declaring that a person is justified by faith, without the deeds of the law, which left no room for repentance.

A person is made right with God through faith, not through obeying the law. – Romans 3:28 NCV

If I cannot work out my salvation on my own, why am I worrying about resolving conflict on my own? They can only be resolved when I place them into the hands of God’s free grace.

Father, I love the power of worship and I love seeing Your hand moving in my life when I commit myself to you as my Lord and Saviour. It may seem like a foolish thing to do when it comes down to what the world’s wisdom looks like, but there is a freedom there and a joy that the world will never be able to experience. Thank You for the gift of faith to lean into You and receive Your free gift of grace!

Erwin (evanlaar1922)

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Filed under 2 Samuel, 5 day reading plan, 66 Books, Bible in a year reading plan, Cover to cover, New Testament, Old Testament, Psalms, reading plan, Romans