

Jude 24 To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy— 25 to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen. (NIV)


These two verses are usually titled A Doxology. Jude (most likely another brother of Jesus) is giving his readers a godly doxology. His doxology points to the following:

  • God’s preservation in our lives
  • His continual presence with us
  • Our intended destination and appointment
  • The eternity of the God we serve


Although many call this a doxology, I would entitle it a vision of our faith in Christ. He works in us and if we let him He will present us faultless some day before God the Father. With all the talk of the end of the world on December 21st it does remind us that some day we will stand His presence and because of what He has done on our behalf we will be faultless before Him. And the great thing is that He’s been working this plan out through the ages and continues to do so. Whenever the world ends or we die and meet Him, He will be ready for us & we will be faultless in His sight!


Father thank you that our doxologies are really your plans for eternity. We entrust ourselves to You today and look forward to that time when we stand in Your presence faultless & free. We pray these things in Jesus Name, Amen!


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Filed under 66 Books, Bible in a year reading plan

2 responses to “Jude:

  1. Pingback: Verse of the Day 12-09-12 | ricklee's poetry plus

  2. There is one advantage to not being raised in a traditional, denominational church. I don’t understand the liturgical routine and therefore, I just look at the heart of Scripture. Praising God with these words makes me want to dance and twirl around. The words “glory, joy, majesty, power, and forever” lift me up and cause me to worship with all my might. I’m overwhelmed by the love of our great God. And this earth is just the beginning…

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