Zechariah 13, 14; Revelation 3, 4

As I’m preparing to send out my Christmas letter, I’ve been reflecting not only on what God has done for us in this past year, but over the course of our whole marriage.  This morning, as I was praying, God showed me the number of times the enemy tried to beat us down and the number of times Brad & I were able to overcome the situation because of God’s strength and God’s power.

“What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts on one can open…I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut.  I know that you have little strength…” (Revelation 3:7-8).  In February, 2006, we had little strength, but by the beckoning of the Holy Spirit, I went looking for my friend who didn’t know I was coming to her church.  That morning, a woman I didn’t know prayed for me and said that the doctors were wrong, that my husband would not be saddled with disability, because God had greater things for us than that—greater blessings and greater opportunities.

Almost 7 years later, the enemy is trying to beat us down with the same issues.  But then I read in Revelation 3 all the benefits of those who overcome: they will be dressed in white; their names will never be removed from the book of life; Christ will acknowledge them before God and His angels; they will become pillars in God’s temple; on them will be written the names of God, God’s city, and Christ’s new name; they will be given the right to sit with Christ on His throne, (vv. 5, 12, 21).

Lord, you promised that you would walk with us through life’s challenges.  And even though we face many today, I am encouraged because even when we feel like our strength is little, you give us the power to overcome.  Thank you, Father.  In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.



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3 responses to “Zechariah 13, 14; Revelation 3, 4

  1. 2 things. Ok, maybe 3.

    First–yay you for getting a Christmas letter done! I just sent my cards out without one because I couldn’t wrap up the drafts I started.

    Second–it’s so important to remember what God has done. Great idea to reflect on his work in your life and to share that with others.

    And a third, I’m really starting to see when he closes doors, they do stay closed! Same with open doors. Really helps put things in perspective.

    Thanks, Heather! Praying for your family.

  2. Pingback: The Song of The Lamb #3 Daniel and Revelation « Christadelphians : Belgian Ecclesia Brussel – Leuven

  3. Inspiring words of faith and perseverance! Thanks for your transparency.

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