Daily Archives: March 14, 2024

Deuteronomy 1-3; Psalm 36; Luke 5

It has struck me, from time to time, how I missed some of the obvious connections between the people of Israel and the church. Goverance is one of those obvious misses. There were leaders who judged, then there was Moses and the final appeal could be made to God.

When you judge, be fair to everyone; don’t act as if one person is more important than another, and don’t be afraid of anyone, because your decision comes from God. Bring the hard cases to me, and I will judge them. – Deuteronomy 1:17 NCV

I am sure that I could not trust someone in my church to judge without conflict of interest. That is what makes this such a hard task. Yet, here I am tasked with the call to take up matters of injustice, to make sure I do not have sin in my own life so that I can be fair to everyone, and to refuse to be bribed, in any fashion, in order to give the right ruling.

The big idea is to create a world filled with a holistic sense of peace, of shalom, which means I cannot turn a blind eye to injustice, be it personal or structural. All people are called, as bearers of God’s image, to work for the restoration of the shattered and distorted social order in which we live.

They think too much of themselves
    so they don’t see their sin and hate it. – Psalm 36:2 NCV

I was given the macro version, now I am faced with the micro version. I have been blessed to have been called out by God on this a few times in my life. Each time, especially the first time, I remember the event and the sickening awareness of my sin that I did not see because I thought too highly of myself. This was the wonderful work of the Holy Spirit.

Unfortunately there are preachers today who feel it is their job to preach about the danger of damnation. They feel a need to awaken sinners and cry for reformation. Nothing can compare to the work of the Holy Spirit – preach Him and allow Him to search hearts. They will be changed and it will be real as the Holy Spirit transforms from the inside out.

 When Simon Peter saw what had happened, he bowed down before Jesus and said, “Go away from me, Lord. I am a sinful man!” – Luke 5:8 NCV

Sometimes it simply is entering into the presence of Jesus that changes people. Jesus is the one working on this matter of reconciliation. He makes me feel my remoteness from God. I discover just how far away I am from Him. Complacency can only last so long and then there is the falling down on my face.

Father, I enter into Your presence in the name of Jesus along with the Holy Spirit. Reveal my heart, set me free from sin, empower me to help others walk with You.

Erwin (evanlaar1922)

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Filed under 5 day reading plan, 66 Books, Bible in a year reading plan, Cover to cover, Deuteronomy, Luke, New Testament, Old Testament, Psalms, reading plan